Aloe Vera – Keep yourself healthy and glowing by this magical immortality herb !!!

Our gardens are full of medicine and healing, we just have to know where to look. Aloe Vera is a great example of garden plant that is full of medicinal properties. It is easy to grow as it needs little water or maintenance.
Aloe Vera (Sanskrit name – Kumari,Griha kanya, Ghrita kumarika)has been well known for centuries for its healing properties, and both oral intake and topical dressings have been documented to facilitate healing of any kind of skin wound, burn, or scald – even speeding recovery time after surgery. Situations to try it on include blisters, insect bites, rashes, sores, herpes, urticaria, athlete’s foot, fungus, vaginal infections, conjunctivitis, sties, allergic reactions, and dry skin. The Egyptians referred to aloe as the “plant of immortality” and included it among the funerary gifts buried with the pharaohs. The healing benefits of aloe were recognized in the ancient Indian, Chinese, Greek, and Roman civilizations.
If you have a rash, scar, wound, burn, psoriasis or stretch marks you can break a piece straight off the plant and rub it onto your skin. It works really well for mouth ulcers too. No need for creams and lotions, just go straight to the source and get the pure ingredient. Mother Nature the original pharmacist has all the best ingredients!

Gheekuaara (Hindi), Ghrta kumari (Bengali), korpad (Marathi), Aloe (English), is a medicinal plant which belongs to the family of Cactus. There are several varieties of this plant but only one particular variety is used for medicinal purposes. The medicinal reputation of Aloe Vera dates back to many thousand years. The Latin word Vera meaning true was added to this particular species of Aloe plant to distinguish it from the rest of the aloe plants. Only this particular species has the therapeutic properties. The medicinal properties of the Aloe Vera plant have been re-discovered recently. But it is one of the age old natural remedies used by our ancestors. Aloe Vera is a truly magical herb.

Scientists have found that the Aloe Vera ( botanical name – Aloe Vera Barbadensis) gel is a mixture of antibiotic, astringent, coagulating agent, pain inhibitor, cell growth stimulator and scar inhibitor.
Aloe is also used Ayurveda as a women’s tonic. Aloe Vera helps the flow of blood in the body. This make it a great herb for the female reproductive system as it specifically helps to regulate the uterus. Its cooling properties also make it helpful for women who are suffering from the hot and dry symptoms of menopause.
Aloe Vera gel has enzyme in it which stimulate the growth and formation of new cells. This Ayurvedic remedy for aged skin treats sun-damaged skin when spread on the skin. After using aloe vera for a week, skin begins glowing.

The Aloe Vera gel has the capability to penetrate the outer layer of the skin and it removes the dead cells caused by the infection. The enzymes present in the gel, help in the formation of new cells around the infection and thus heals the part.
Internally, aloe is showing real promise in the fight against AIDS, and the virus has become undetectable in some patients who used it on a regular basis, due to its immune system stimulant properties. It also seems to help prevent opportunistic infections in cases of HIV and AIDS. It appears to be of help in cancer patients (including lung cancer) by activating the white blood cells and promoting growth of non-cancerous cells.

Taken orally, aloe also appears to work on heartburn, arthritis and rheumatism pain and asthma, and studies have shown that it has an effect on lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics. Other situations in which it appears to work when taken internally include congestion, intestinal worms, indigestion, stomach ulcers, colitis, hemorrhoids, liver problems such as cirrhosis and hepatitis, kidney infections, urinary tract infections, prostate problems, and as a general detoxifier.

Aloe vera used to heal skin wounds.
Aloe vera plant is used to heal burn.
Helps in speeding recovery time after surgery.
Aloe vera gel is used on blisters.
Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing insect bites.
Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing rashes.
Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing sores.
Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing herpes.
Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing urticaria.
Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing fungus.
Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing vaginal infections.
Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing conjunctivitis.
Aloe vera Plants are also helpful in healing allergic reactions.
Aloe gels are applied on dry skins to give them glowing effect.
Helps in reducing acne.
Helps to reduce sunburn.
Aloe vera helps to fight frostbite.
Aloe vera uses includes fighting from shingles.
It helps in screening out x-ray radiation.
Aloe vera used to reduce psoriasis.
Aloe vera used to reduce rosacea.
Aloe vera used to reduce warts.
Wrinkles from aging are reduced by applying Aloe vera.
Aloe vera used to reduce eczema.
Various other health benefits and medicinal uses of aloe vera :
By using gels and sprays containing aloe vera, arthritis patients have experienced lots of relief from joint and muscle pain because they provide faster relief.
Aloe vera extracts are noted to decrease the levels of blood fat lipid, triglycerides and cholesterol. By breaking fat globules down, aloe vera extracts reduce obesity.
Another amazing property that aloe vera juice has is that it contains white crystalline oxidation agents that simulate cell regeneration and has curing properties; hence, aloe vera juice is useful in treating bronchial congestion.

The plant aloe vera has proven to be extremely useful in treating the liver, colon, uterus, as well as ulcers and hemorrhoids. This plant not only offers a healing effect to people suffering from liver, colon, and uterus conditions, but also works on bringing improved function to these organs.

One of the many health benefits of aloe vera gel is in preventing hair loss. Aloe vera gel applied to the entire scalp and hair works as an effective natural treatment for hair loss. Aloe vera contains enzymes which stimulate new hair production. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in fighting against Androgenetic Alopecia.
Many people have observed a strong connection between using aloe vera and immune system strengthening, which happens possibly because Aloe Vera contains numerous ingredients such as vitamins, enzymes and minerals, all of which aid in immune strengthening. Also, a newly discovered compound in aloe, called acemannan, is currently being studied for its ability to strengthen the immune system. Studies have shown acemannan to boost T-lymphocyte cells that aid natural resistance.

Another of the medicinal uses of aloe vera is that aloe vera gel works as a mild anesthetic and is useful for reducing pain, swelling and itching. It also improves blood circulation to areas of injury.

Aloe vera extracts are used to lower blood sugar levels. Lastly, many people who take aloe internally report just feeling better overall, which is in and of itself something of a testament to its remarkable properties.

How to use Aloe vera plant:
Preparation Methods & Dosage :Use fresh pressed juice or buy only the pure gel and use topically as needed. The freshest aloe is of course, from your own plant. Leaves up to one foot long may be removed from the plant without causing damage. The best time of day for cutting aloe leaves is mid afternoon, when the plant has moved a maximum amount of sap into the leaves.

Aloe is safe when used in moderation, but there are a few contraindications. If you have a heart problem and use any kind of digitalis medication, consult your doctor before using any aloe product internally, as the interaction may cause irregular heartbeat. Avoid aloe preparations if you are pregnant, breast feeding, or menstruating, as it can cause uterine contractions.

Therefore, as can be seen from the above, based on many reports and documentation, the health benefits of aloe vera in its various forms, such as gel, juice, sap, extracts, pills, and tablets, provide multiple natural remedies and work effectively towards improving the general and overall health of those who use this great plant.